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                        H h

            hablar                         talk, speak

            hace                            makes, does

            hacer                           make, do

            hacerse                                   become

            had (jad)                    pasado de "have"

            hambre                                   hunger

            hambriento                 hungry

            hand (jand)                mano

            has (jaz)                                 tiene

            hasta                           until

            have (javv)                tener

            he (ji)                         el

            head (jed)                  cabeza

            hecho                          made

            help (jalp)                  ayudar

            her (jer)                                 a ella, su

            here (jir)                    aquí

            herramienta               tool

            high (jai)                    alto

            him (jiem)                  a el

            his (jies)                                 de el, su         

            hizo                                         done

            hogar                          home

            hold (jold)                  coger, mantener

            hombre                                   man

            home (jom)                hogar

            hope (jop)                  esperar

            hot (jat)                                  caliente

            house (jaus)               casa

            how (jau)                   como

            hoy                                          today

            hunger (janger)         hambre

            hungry (jangri)          hambriento

            hurt (jert)                  dañar



                                    I i


            I (ai)                           yo

            if (ief)                         si

            iglesia                         church

            igual                            equal

            in (ien)                                    en

            injury (ienjuri)           daño

            inside (ienseid)          dentro

            into (ientu)                 en, adentro

            ir                                             go, leave

            is (ies)                                    es

            it (iet)                         lo, la

            its (iets)                                  su

            it's  (iets)                    contracción de "it is"

            izquierda                     left



                                    J j


            jalar                            pull

            jugar                           play    

            jump (jamp)               brincar

            junto                           together

            just (yast)                  solamente, justo

            justo                            just




                                     K k


            keep (kip)                  guardar

            kind (kaind)               tipo, amable

            know (no)                  conocer, saber



                                    L l


            la                                             the

            lado                                         side

            large (lardch) grande

            las                                           the

            last (last)                    último, durar

            lavar                           wash

            leave (liv)                   dejar, ir de, salir de

            leer                                         read

            left (left)                    izuierda, pasado de "leave"

            lejos                            far

            lend (lend)                  prestar

            less (les)                     menos

            let (let)                                   permitir, dejar

            life (laif)                                 vida

            light (lait)                   luz

            like (laik)                   gustarse, como

            limpio                          clean  

            little (lietl)                  chico, poco, pequeño

            live (lievv)                  vivir

            look (luk)                   mirar  

            los                                           the (plural)

            luego                           then, later

            lugar                           place

            luz                                           light, electricity



                                    LL ll


            llano                            flat, even

            llenar                          fill

            lleno                            full

            llevar                          take, carry



                                    M m


            made (meid)               hecho, pasado  de "make"

            maintain (meintein) mantener         

            make (meik)              hacer

            malo                            bad

            man (maen)                hombre

            manera                                   manner, way

            mano                           hand

            mantener                    to hold, maintain               

            many (meni)               muchos

            más                                         more

            may (mei)                   poder

            me (mi)                                   me, mi, mí

            meanwhile (minuiail)             mientras

            mejor                          better

            el mejor                                  best

            menos                         less

            mi                                            me, my

            mí                                            me

            mientras                                 meanwhile, while

            mio                                          mine

            mirar                           watch, look

            mismo                         the same

            money (mani) dinero

            montar                                    ride, assemble

            more (mor)                más


            most (most)                el más

            mostrar                                   show

            much (mach)              mucho

            muchacha/o                girl/boy

            mucho                         much

            muchos                                    many

            mujer                          woman

            mundo                         world

            muy                                         very

            my (mai)                     mi

            myself (maiself)         yo mismo

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