Welcome to my website,
“INGLES con Profe Pablo”.
Here you can find lessons to learn how to pronounce, speak, read, and write in English.
Each lesson is bilingual with a pronunciation guide.
The lessons can be used for children, teen-agers and adults. And these lessons are for Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Students.
Are you a beginner? Then you can start with Vocabulario Basico. Don’t forget to learn your ABCs!
I have included rhymes, songs, lecturas and cuentos to help you study by yourself in your own home.
BUT if you have questions or need extra help CONTACT ME with your question: PUMAROSA21@YAHOO.COM or FACEBOOK: PUMAROSA APRENDIENDO INGLES.
Take some time to visit each section to see what you would like to learn.
Do you want some classes with Skype? It’s easy – just download Skype and send me an email with your information.
Are you ready? Let’s go …Learn English with Profe Pablo!!!!